Access Tips – Using an Expanded Text Box

Open an Expanded Text form by right clicking on a text box. This is useful if you have a text box that may only display one or two lines of text and you can potentially have ten or twenty lines. Viewing in the expanded text box allows you to read the text and also enter or edit. The information in the expanded form is moved to the text box through a “Close and Update” button. There is also a “Cancel” button on the Expanded Text Form.

The following code goes in the main form, and is used to open the expanded text form.

Public Sub subOpenExpandedText()
‘Function to open the text input form on long text fields
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.OpenForm “frmExpandedText”

‘ PASTE TO text box Mousedown Event ———————-
‘ Display bulk text input screen
‘ On Error Resume Next
‘ If (Button = acRightButton) Then
‘ DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
‘ subOpenExpandedText
‘ End If
——————————————-End Sub

The form to display expended text has a single text box called txtExpanded. It is around 17 cm wide and 8.5 cm high. There are two buttons. One is to “Close and Update” and the other to “Cancel”. Paste the following code into the form.

Option Compare Database
Dim strText As String
Dim intFieldLength As Integer
Dim strFormName As String
Dim Screen_ActiveSubformControl As Control‘+++++++++++++++ Start of Opening Actions ++++++++++++++++++++

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
‘What : Function to get ready once opened.

‘ There is a problem if the subform name being passed belongs to a subform within a subform
‘ In order to overcome this, we name the control explicitely in the subform and skip the naming
‘ of the subform in this code. To identify the situation we pass the argument below which tells
‘ the program to skip setting a control name.

If Me.OpenArgs = “2Subforms” Then GoTo SkipsCtl

If (Me.OpenArgs & “” = “”) Then

Set ctlCurrentControl = Forms(Screen.ActiveForm.Name)(Screen.ActiveControl.Name)


If (Me.OpenArgs = Screen.ActiveForm.Name) Then

Set ctlCurrentControl = Forms(Screen.ActiveForm.Name)(Screen.ActiveControl.Name)


Set ctlCurrentControl = Forms(Screen.ActiveForm.Name)(Me.OpenArgs).Form(Screen.ActiveControl.Name)

End If

End If


Me.txtExpanded = ctlCurrentControl

End Sub

‘=============== End of Opening Actions ====================

‘+++++++++++++++ Start of Closing Actions +++++++++++++++++++++


‘=============== End of Closing Actions ======================

‘++++++++++++ Start of Miscellaneous Buttons Click +++++++++++++++

Private Sub btnClose_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnClose_Click

If Not IsNull(Me.txtExpanded) Then

strText = Me.txtExpanded

ctlCurrentControl = strText

End If


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnClose_Click

End Sub

Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnCancel_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnCancel_Click

End Sub

‘=========== End of Miscellaneous buttons =====================

‘ ++++++++++++++ Start of Subs and Functions +++++++++++++++++++

Function DisplayActiveSubformName()
Dim Msg As String
Dim CR As String
CR = Chr$(13) ‘ Carriage Return.

If Set_Screen_ActiveSubformControl() = False Then

Msg = “There is no active subform!”


Msg = “Active Form Name = ” & Screen.ActiveForm.NameMsg = Msg & CR
Msg = Msg & “Active ControlName = ” & Screen.ActiveControl.Name
Msg = Msg & CR
Msg = Msg & “Active Subform ControlName = ”
Msg = Msg & Screen_ActiveSubformControl.Name
Msg = Msg & CR
Msg = Msg & “Active Subform Form Name = ”
Msg = Msg & Screen_ActiveSubformControl.Form.Name

End If

MsgBox Msg

End Function

Function Set_Screen_ActiveSubformControl()
Dim frmActive As Form, ctlActive As Control
Dim hWndParent As Long

‘ Clear the control variable.
Set Screen_ActiveSubformControl = Nothing

‘ Assume a subform is not active.
Set_Screen_ActiveSubformControl = False

‘ Get the active form and control.
On Error Resume Next
Set frmActive = Screen.ActiveForm
Set ctlActive = Screen.ActiveControl
If Err <> 0 Then Exit Function

‘ Get the unique window handle identifying the form
‘ .. the active control is on.

hWndParent = ctlActive.Parent.Properties(“hWnd”)

‘ If the active form window handle is the same as the window handle of the form the active control is on, then we are on the mainform, so ‘ exit.
If hWndParent = frmActive.hWnd Then Exit Function

‘ Find a subform control that has a window handle matching the window handle of the form the active control is on.
Set_Screen_ActiveSubformControl = FindSubform(frmActive, _

End Function

Function FindSubform(frmSearch As Form, hWndFind As Long)
Dim I As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_FindSubForm

‘ Assume we will find a subform control with a window handle matching hWndFind.
FindSubform = True

‘ Visit each control on the form frmSearch.
     For I = 0 To frmSearch.Count – 1
     ‘ If the control is a subform control…
         If TypeOf frmSearch(I) Is SubForm Then
         ‘ .. does the window handle match the one we are looking for?
If frmSearch(I).Form.hWnd = hWndFind Then
‘ We found it! Set the global control variable and exit.

Set Screen_ActiveSubformControl = frmSearch(I)
Exit Function

            ‘ Otherwise, search this subform control (recursively) to see if it contains a sub-subform control
            ‘  with a window handle matching the one we are interested in.          

‘ If we found a subform control, then exit.

If FindSubform(frmSearch(I).Form, hWndFind) Then

Exit Function

End If

End If

End If
Next I

   ‘ If we didn’t exit the function earlier, then there is no
‘ .. subform or sub-subform control on this form that has a window
‘ .. handle matching the one we are interested in, so return false.  

FindSubform = False
Exit Function

MsgBox Error$, 16, “FindSubform”
Resume Bye_FindSubform

End Function

‘ ================ End of Subs and Functions ==================