

List Outstanding Work

Create an inventory of work outstanding
  • Service Call logs
  • Project Schedule
    1. Identify all work outstanding.
    2. Assign the work.
  • List of work outstanding

The list of work outstanding is a moving target. It will change almost hourly however the focus should be on the work the project team knows will not be completed before handover. If it is to be completed before handover, do not include it on the list. Of course this means a last minute update to the list at handover.

The list should provide a reference number. This may be the service call number in your service desk software, or a number recorded in a project problem register. It should also indicate the area of the problem. This may be training, applications development, configuration, enhancement, hardware, network, or any other category that makes sense in the organisation for this particular implementation.

The work may need to be re-assigned from the Project Team to Production Support. This should be done in conjunction with Production Support. It may be assigned to an individual or to a department. The people responsible for taking on support of the application need to ensure they are able to handle the volume of work being passed their way. It may even be appropriate to assign members of the Project Team to Production Support areas for a period of time.

Outstanding Work A spreadsheet to record the work outstanding

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