Business Process


Map New Business Processes

Map the "To Be" processes.
  • Existing Business Processes
  • Gap Analysis
    1. Identify the priority for mapping.
    2. Map the processes.
  • "To Be" process maps

Priority should be given to those processes that can be changed using your existing software. The earlier you implement the change, the more likely it is to be firmly established by the time you go live. Once again, the process will be a combination of using workshops and interviews to understand how it will work. You will also need to involve the team doing the Configuration and Customisation. Changes to process may have an impact on configuration and customisation. The reverse is also true.

Another consideration in this exercise is that the new business processes will be used for training staff. Liaison with the people responsible for training is also important. They will need new processes to include in training manuals and courses. The order in which you undertake the work will be influenced by training.

The mapping of new business processes will inevitably lead to new documentation. There may be new forms required, spreadsheets to be changed or policies and procedures to be updated. All this needs to be managed by the project team.

If the person doing the mapping identifies a required change (sometimes referred to as WFRICE - Workflow, Form, Report, Interface, Conversions, Extensions) they should ensure it is included in the project as an action item - e.g. "Modify customer credit form" or "Amend consolidated sales spreadsheet to include new categories".


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